Negotiating for a cell tower lease could be challenging particularly if you as well as your legal representative don't understand the terms used in telecommunication. How can you be certain that the actual cell tower rate you get is fair? Most lawyers aren't knowledgeable when it comes to cell tower leasing contracts or on how you can get the most money from these cell carriers.
When you as well as your lawyer do not know the terms and cell business, then there are varieties of issues that might just arise like for instance, the cell company will force you to agree onto their terms, which you'll be regretting afterwards, your attorney pushes you out of the deal, the cell company has moved on to negotiating for a different location and so on.
In all the aforementioned situations, you aren't getting fair cell tower lease. The truth when it comes to lease rates of cell towers is that, cell phone providers will rather that you, being the property owner are left out in the dark. The truth is, their site acquisition contractors get significant bonuses for integrating cellular tower lease below the fair market value. When terms of lease are favorable to cell carrier, then the leasing agent gets higher bonus. As a matter of fact, these agents are getting higher pays when they are setting up leases that are paying you less.
Needless to say, that's the common practice in different fields, now that we are living in a capitalist economy. If you like to ensure that you are getting the best cell tower lease rates on the other hand, there are few things that you have to know regarding this possibly lucrative business,read more here!
Most of the time, landlords and property owners are asking cell tower consultant to provide them with a comparative cell rate on their area. They believe that this is going to help them compute a fair market value for the lease. Most of the cellular companies are also using comparative pricing to convince clients that they are asking too much. In reality, most of the past cell phone tower leases were negotiated poorly and land owners have offered with awful rates and terms for their property. Base on your fair market value evaluation on poor terms and rate contracts as well as negotiations isn't the best solution.
Don't trust the cell tower leasing contract in hands of lawyers from the cellular company or standard legal counsel. Instead, get knowledgeable and honest assistance from someone who is specializing in cell tower leases. If you want to learn more about cell phone tower lease, visit